I found myself wanting to draw the scene and then do the b&w studies on top afterwards (b/c my proportions sometimes get funky or I don't fit in as much as I intended to, etc.). Is that a good idea or should we just do the b&w shapes straight? Maybe mix them together?
Corrected the above by raising the horizon and added some lighting. The scanner kind of upped the contrast but I can show what it really looks like in class. Kinda had a hard to deciding how to light this scene, I realize I probably should've done the 3 small marker studies first...
I thought the round lights looked like paper lanterns so I tried to change them into such and wanted to make it look kind of like a festival night scene ^^. The scanner really made the darks a lot darker in this one so I can show the original in class. I spent too long on this so it took away time from me to do more studies... Definitely need more practice on lighting!
Here are pics for the B&W studies:
Here is some revised linework and some composition ideas I was toying with. I need to work on that, the pics look lopsided when I flip them around and stuff ><"
is this sketching for environment at cda with ed li?